i am making this list because i operate best with direction. i'm almost 25, there are a lot of things i want to do before then, not because i have to, but because i want to. i've got the resources so why not. so, therefore, i present, a list, of 25 things i want to do before i turn twenty-five.
1. apply to grad-school
2. live on my own
3. take a photography class
4. go to the pacific north west coast (oregon, or washington)
5. visit a new state
6. participate in a collective project or exchange
7. run a 5-k
8. visit another country
9. attend one cultural community event a month
10. buy a new computer
11. take one photo a day
12. perfect the skill of roasting chicken
13. teach myself to bind books
14. spend one day every two weeks entirely alone
15. say yes to the things i am interested in; say no to things I don't want to do
16. purchase produce at all of Seattle's farmers markets and make a dish from those ingredients
17. prepare, at least, four recipes from my gastronomic publications per month
18. go on a road trip without a specific destination
19. develop a green thumb by growing an amaryllis
20. write a letter to every person I admire letting them know why
21. draw a map of my favorite places in Seattle
22. amend my outlook; say one good thing about myself/my surroundings every day
23. conquer my fear of open water, start by swimming in lake Washington
24. improve my written communication
25. Vote.