Saturday, March 6, 2010


if i am asked what i listened to while writing the majority of my work during winter 2009/2010 i will reply:

Beyonce's Halo
Lady Gaga's Poker Face
Beach House's Silver Soul
Rhianna and Jay-z's Run This Town
Jay-z and Alicia Key's Empire State of Mind
The Morning Benders Excuses

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


quick, before i let things get too negative, i need to write down things i really love about today:

1. Missing the '90s: Mazzy Star -- Fade Into You.
2. Blaming things on the nonsensical: Radiohead -- Black Star.
3. The entirety of the newest Beach House -- Teen Dream.
4. the two glasses of wine i had with my thai food.
5. identifying a new granola to make at home.
6. telephone call with aaron.
7. the earrings i bought in Oaxaca.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

blog, i want to retire you, but i can't part. so i bring to you another list, a list of favorite things at this very moment:

getting to know wonderful, new friends
salami & cheese and pickled cippolini onions
edison lightbulbs
laying in bed and drawing instead of reading/writing/statistics
listening to new music
gazing, glaring, griping
being firmly planted in my mid-twenties and living to love it
drinking wine across the courtyard
rediscovering my passion for housing policy
and feeling the more like myself than at any point in the last many years
i knew i'd fucking love you, 2010, so far i am right.
i love being right.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

scales...of justice?

when i started my professional career three years ago particular emphasis was placed on my professional obligation to maintain a work and life balance. they (they being the corporate types) contended that time i spent at work should be countered with complete personal maintenance on the other end. oh, to dream. i managed, but i never really took vacations. i felt guilty when i got sick. i felt accountable to someone, i guess, or at least some idea that was bigger than my self.

failed balance was met with the ultimate counter-weight-- a layoff. unemployment is nice, but it is one nasty mother when it comes to brain atrophy and capacity for thought, multi-tasking or simply tasking, for that matter.

now that i am a grad student, i realize the true necessity of balance. in my opinion, this idea of balance, i have realized, may be the most essential element of my life, besides water and air. i guess, though, i'd forget to consume those things, too, if i didn't institute some policy of self-maintenance. i kid you not, my life would be all $5 wine from plaid pantry and the foods i made in september and froze for the days when time to cook would be redistributed to time to book (is it healthy to eat chili and lentil soup five nights a week?).

i'm having a hard time getting the hang of grad school. honestly, i don't remember how i did it during undergrad. four courses a quarter and three jobs? if i even attempted something so daring today i'm not sure i'd survive.

i guess, i write this mostly because i realize the profound need for balance in my life. i need an equal distribution of social time and school time and work time and homework time. i need to fulfill my deep-seeded need for human connection and interaction while maintaining my school work in the face of unrelenting academic rigor. right now, i simply don't have the answer. all i have is a stack of articles that need summarized, and a plan that needs analyzed. school, how i love to hate you while i love you.

and, oh, how i long for you, corporate america, with your vain insistence upon work life balance; you poor thing, you don't know the half of it.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

there are a 100 reasons this week is perfect

here is a list:

when the blinds are open in my bedroom, i feel like i'm in the tree outside my window.
painting and crafting
wonderful neighbors
i have time on my hands
i'm sleeping!
distance makes the heart grow much fonder
rosebud salve makes everything right
the quilt my grandmother made for me
coffee and bagels and hillary
new friends with challah baking skills
a desire to paint my kitchen table teal
it is fall
i'm photographing again

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

we see, we are

blogging here for the time being:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

i'll fight

in recent days it has begun to supremely irk me that the insurance industry in this country has the power it does to reduce human life to simple cost/benefit ratio that determines whether life is worth it or not. insurance companies are not god and they should not get to decide the fate of people like my friend. here is her situation:

I write to you because I know you are a passionate advocate for health care reform. I write to you as a 24-year-old newlywed who has been fighting for her life since childhood. I write to you as a victim of our broken health care system.

I suffer from Type I diabetes, Crohn’s Disease, problems with my thyroid and a severe immune disease. It is this immune disease that will, without further treatment, end my life in only a few years. Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID) has left me with a severely depleted and dysfunctional immune system, unable to fight disease and with organs that are rapidly deteriorating as they are under constant attack.

I was diagnosed with CVID in 1999, but my doctors believe I was born with the genetic defect that caused its appearance. Since 2006, I have been battling the most severe complication that has resulted from my CVID – pulmonary dysfunction. Pulmonary dysfunction has left my lung capacity at half of what is normal. Since 2006 I have coughed 1,230 days straight. I have learned to function with a fever. I have mapped out the quickest routes in and out of buildings that don’t require stairs because a single flight of stairs leaves me short of breath and afraid that I may pass out. I have given up on my dream of carrying a child. I have lived my life as a 24-year-old in a 90 year-old body.

But now my immune system has stopped working, and I am left with no other choice but to pursue a stem cell transplant to rebuild my immune system.

Without this transplant the common cold could leave me dead. This transplant would give me an entirely new immune system – the expectation is that it would cure me of CVID and Crohn’s Disease. When my doctor informed me that a transplant would be my only option, my husband and I began planning for the invasive treatment. While we knew it would change our lives dramatically, we thought the tests, the quarantine, the surgery, and the long recovery would eventually allow us to rediscover our lives as normal 20-somethings with our whole lives ahead of us.

But just a month after we started our preparations, I was informed by Regence that they will not cover my transplant. According to Regence, Those who suffer from CVID do not usually see such rapid or progressive decline in health, so transplants are rarely necessary for those with my diagnosis. Regence claims there simply is not enough proof that a transplant will help my adult body. However, the common and most successful treatments for patients with CVID have been tried on me — they have failed.It is the opinion of my immunologist and his world-renowned team of colleagues that transplant is the only option left to save my life.

I have appealed Regence’s decision three times. Now I have few options left. My husband is a police officer and I work for the American Diabetes Association, the $250,000 operation cost is not within our reach. My doctor has been a tireless advocate for me, but our appeals to Regence have fallen on deaf ears. These deaf ears have written my death certificate at the age of 24, a death certificate that could be avoided if it weren’t for corporate greed.

I write because I want my story told. I write to bring attention to this problem. My death certificate may have been written, but it is not signed yet.