Wednesday, January 28, 2009

bad ideas i discovered today

there are times in life where the cure and solution to all problems is a BLT.  I like mine on rye toast with either a thin slice of cheddar, three slices of avocado or a fried egg.  I understand that this is an always delicious and occasionally deserved treat.  like hot dogs or french fries. Basically, I like my bacon very crispy and in moderation.  Not so for some.  Please see this. And this.  These are bad ideas always.

Friday, January 2, 2009

hello, 2009, and welcome with open arms

the massive, heaving door to 2008 is locked and the key thrown away.  good riddance.  hello, 2009, let's be friends.  

meanwhile, a new list, 26 things to do before i turn 26 should be appearing here shortly.  any recommendations?